The Internet Calculator is COMING SOON
We have to make technical arrangements to host the data.

After that, we'll be loading individual school data starting with California
public high schools and working our way down into primary schools and out
into other states. Private, religious and charter schools to follow. We could use
help there as the volume is considerable.

If you need an answer right away send us an email.

If you'd like to see what the desktop version of the calculator looks like click
Next (top right).

The calculator is currently part of our NILGAI application. NILGAI itself is
quite a large collection of code. Amidst the underlying mathematics and
economics and geology in NILGAI  salvaging education with solar power is
a small function. We will certainly be making a FREE Windows desktop applet
available for download shortly. It already runs on XP, Vista and Windows 7.
Versions in Spanish, Arabic and a few other languages are on our list.

With sufficient begging and pleading we might be induced to provide Mac and
*NIX versions as well. If someone is just compelled to provide versions for
WindowsCE, iPhone or other environments let us know by email.