Measureing Shoe Sizes
Remember: if you send us tracings of your feet make sure to label left and right
Gather 11" x 14" paper ("legal size"), a sharpened pencil, a chair, and a long ruler or tape measure.
Trace feet in the evening, after the feet have swollen to their maximum size.
Remember that sitting a long time, especially on an airplane, causes distortions. So does walking on hot surfaces
Trace feet in the socks that will be worn with the shoes in question.
Steps to trace the feet:
Sit down on a chair and place a sheet of paper smoothly on a clean, level floor.
Place one foot on the paper and allow it to rest naturally.
Hold the pencil vertically so it is perpendicular to the paper.
Trace around the perimeter of the foot as closely as possible without angling the pencil in or out.
It is not necessary to draw the outline of each toe; the longest toe is of primary concern.
Using the ruler, measure the distance from the very bottom of the heel to the top of the longest toe.
Subtract 0.20 to 0.25 inches or about 0.50 centimeters to account for the diameter of the pencil.
Record the resulting measurement in both inches and centimeters.
Measure the distance spanning the ball of the foot at its widest point, from left to right.
Subtract 0.20 to 0.25 inches or 0.50 centimeters to account for the diameter of the pencil
And record the final measurement in both inches and centimeters.
Flip the paper over and repeat these steps with the other foot.

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