Tai Chi Chuan styles
Almost certainly the oldest style with the most students and the most forms is Chen Family Style. From it have also come Yang style; Thunder style; Li style (with a fair amount of Xing Yi and Ba Gua mixed in); Shen style; Sun style;
Wan Sheng (10,000 victories) style; Xiao style and two Wu styles. Then there's Zhaobao style which can claim at least parallel development, if not precedence. In Chen Family style the material taught by the Four Tigers: Chen Xiaowong (top left); Zhu Tiancai (top right); Chen Zhenglei (middle right); and Wang Xian(middle left) has largely been standardized. Do NOT be lulled by the bucolic scenery and elegant silks shown in the photos below - these are all very serious martial artists. We would be remiss not to mention Chen Yu (bottom left) and Chen Xiaoxing (bottom right). Chen Family style does not lack for very talented and dedicated individuals. Some short videos coming soon.                                     

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