While the very formidable Carl Friedrich
Gauss had explored the binomial theorem as a teenager and made a
name for himself
in the international astronomical
community by his accurate predictions of the orbit of the
newly-observed asteroid Ceres, there are |
other indications that Arthur Conan Doyle
might have had someone else in mind. A possible
candidate is Simon Newcomb (1835-1909) |
The Binomial Theorem has a long history
going back to Euclid in the 4th century BC and Pingala in India
in the 3rd century BC. |
In the 10th century Indian mathematician Halayudha wrote a
commentary on Pingala and the 10th century Persian mathematician |
Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad ibn al Husayn
al-Karaji also wrote at length on what became known as Pascal's
Triangle. From China there |
was similar work by Yang Hui (1238-1298)
as well as his predecessor Jia Xian (1010-1070). Blaise Pascal
(1623-1662), despite poor |
health for many years, managed to collect and extend many
results in 1658, but it was Newton's work in the 1660s that
really made the |
binomial theorem a powerful tool. Newcomb's own work on the
Binomial Theorem was not notable, although he did make a great
many |
contributions to astronomy. Of interest in the context of BEISA
is the use of older French observations of planetary positions
by |
Newcomb to correct marine navigation tables (based
on smaller samples and fewer years). It is not obvious why Doyle
chose the |
Binomial Theorem or asteroid orbital calculations as high water
marks for Moriarty. |
With considerable regret, we must go further back in time to
1810. Alas, not to watch the Feanorian mind of Gauss at work,
but rather |
to confront a mystery worthy of Sherlock Holmes. |
© 2018 Peter F. Zoll. All rights reserved. |