D. Click the Glimpses philleme (a new form appears and the texboxes below the magician's hat will fill in). Click the Admin philleme
E. Click the Network philleme (a new form appears and the gray text boxes at the top right will fill in with a local host name,
an IPv6 address and the results of a ping (connected or not). In the middle of the page a grid showing miniports and tunnels
will fill in. At the bottom a grid showing TCP connections will fill in. Click the Admin philleme
F. Click the Prereqs philleme (a new form appears to allow a teacher - the primary user of BEISA - to show students and
parents the recommended prerequisites for a course). The light blue list box on the lower left will show five active or future
courses (not much use in showing prerequisites for past courses). Select (click) Alaskan seismicity. The white grid will fill
in showing the lines of code employed in each form). Note that choosing Yupik linguistics will not show any items in the
grid. Fill in a numeric priority in the light blue text box near the bottom (to the right of the gray Priority label). Fill in some
random text in the light blue Text textbox. Click the Add philleme. The grid will refresh with your data. You can now click a
data (not heading) row in the grid and change the priority or text or both. Click the update philleme. When you are done
if you wish to sanitize the data select any grid row you added and click the Delete philleme. Click the Admin philleme
G. Click the Questions philleme (a new form appears showing two list boxes - badge/class offered and test). As we have NOT
loaded for all the combinations, Select (click) The Mystery of the Missing Volcano and then Select (click) Advanced Placement Geology
A new form will appear. Fill in a numeric priority in the light blue text box near the bottom (to the right of the gray Priority label).
Next Prior