Changes for COVID-19 - Clothing, shoes and socks
We generally wear standard black wushu pants and a school t-shirt in class. If it is very hot
then shorts. If it is chilly, a hooded sweatshirt. If we are filming for evaluation (usually sent
to China) it is likely we will be wearing the black semi-formal cotton tops - they look more
like a jacket. For formal performances we will be wearing silks.
Shoes are a matter of choice for the student: usually the inexpensive, traditional black
cotton shoes are worn. Most students prefer the white fabric soles, but the red hard  
plastic soles are fine too. Usually, the Tai Chi shoes are worn with the semi-formal cottons
and may, depending on the class' preferences, be worn with silks as well. Comfortable and
absorbent ( of shock and perspiration) socks are suggested. Most students wear white.
Wearing a hat or scarf in class is fine. We do have some students who wear gloves.

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