59. experienced professional advice about cameras, lighting, backdrops and
tracking control. |
60. help with renting, leasing and buying real estate. NO donations - just
loans. We don't mind if a group of local parents puts together a school as long
as they don't mind oversight. |
61. probably some help with building out: plumbing for bathrooms and showers;
probably some electrical for the lighting and cameras. |
62. suggestions for smart glasses and what kinds/models of sensors for wrists
and garments
63. Saying we cannot accept someone with some rare disorder as a student because
we don't know much (or anything) about that particular disorder would be a sad
experience all around, so a more formal advisory board.
64. Skillful publicity for those who help us. Heroes and heroines ought to get
the recognition they earned. We are mindful of the dying words of the eminent
French mathematician Augustin-Louis Cauchy: "Men pass on; deeds abide"