I-MAG STS Corporation
Suppose a nominal eighth grader was deciding what courses to take in
high school. He or she lives in a family where the use language is Inupiat,
although it could be Siberian Yup'ik (mostly on Saint Lawrence Island)
or Central Yup'ik. A structural engineer who was conversant in Russian
would be well-qualified to work on a joint Asian-North American
venture to link maglevs with a tunnel under or a bridge across the Bering
Strait. That means studies in English, Russian and Inupiat as well as
mathematics, science, history, art and religion. That curriculum almost
certainly will require more than eight hour per day, more than five days
per week and more than thirty-six weeks (=180 days) per year.
Suppose there is no local teacher for walrus ivory carving or the student
is not enthusiastic about the local Russian instructor. Or the salmon are
running this week and there is no time for school if the family is to eat.
No problems.
Classrooms are virtualized. Lessons are recorded. If the student is
struggling with Russian palatalization of consonants perhaps replaying
the lesson again or at a slower speed will help. Or finding an alternative
lesson that was taught originally in Fairbanks or Fresno or Mockba