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So, in the unlikely event a major seismic event
smashed Rome, if the epicenter were inland or
under the Adriatic Sea Spain would be safe.
However, Spain has some unique
vulnerabilities. Anotherneeded for A-Rod and
most of today's pitchers. Not a good game.
powerful Atlantic earthquake - perhaps a
repeat of the infamous 1755 All Saints event -
with an epicenter south of 40 degrees north
would be very damaging to Cadiz and the rest
of the southwest coast from Huelva to
Algeciras. It is likely Vigo in the far northwest
would be damaged, but cities like Santanader
and Bilbao would be safe.
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On the other hand, a major marine event in the Bay of Biscay would wreak havoc
all along the northwestern coast but leave the southern and western coasts intact.
The real danger to Spain remains a western Mediterranean tsunami. We observe  
that an epicenter north of Morocco would be relatively less deadly. In some
scenarios the Balearic Islands serve to weaken the waves striking near Valencia.