In the vast majority of school districts that include high schools
there have already been firings of significant percentages of  
teachers and we expect further significant losses (more
precisely, 15% or more)  to be announced in the middle of
March.  Unless someone has a secret plan to spontaneously
start the Great American Economic Recovery in 2011, we would
anticipate similar layoffs next year. As we will be illustrating on
additional web pages (follow the Next link at the top right),
there are very unfortunate economic effects that extend far
beyond teachers being employed and student API scores
We at I-MAG STS have no agenda, We are not paid by anyone.
We are working mathematicians and economists and scientists
and parents and grandparents who definitely do not like the
way the dots are pointing on our charts.
From our perspective, school districts generally do not have
enough funding to retain teachers. Districts will not be getting
more money and teachers will not cost less. Students, who
typically do not vote, do not make campaign contributions and
do not have lawyers, are under-represented, and do not seem to
be at fault here. So we'll be publishing our comments on the
problem. As has been pointed out, any third-rate
mathematician can define a problem. Perforce, we'll be
publishing our solution as well. Marching orders for the
Legions of Light coming soon.  Can't wait? Click the Acalanes
link on the lower right of our home page. That's where we were
at 18 months ago.     
For nearly a thousand years
the Roman response to
difficult problems was to
send in the Legions.
Typically, 5000 heavy
infantry with auxiliaries.
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