Puerto Rico Earthquakes 2019 - 2020
Retrieving the bodies of schoolchildren stands as an epic condemnation of any society. It also means that future doctors and engineers and first responders will be lost forever. That implies that not only classrooms but also auditoriums, gymnasiums, bus storage areas and offices need to be structurally sound. In the case of colleges and universities that surety has to extend to dormitories and faculty offices. We note that schools can make very good triage centers if hospitals are overwhelmed. School usually have access problems already solved, so they can serve as food and water distribution hubs and communications centers after a disaster. Two recommendations would be that backup copies of daily attendance and individual schedule data be stored offsite in case the school records are damaged so first responders know who is missing and where to look.  Schools need to be able to participate in any national emergency network.  Getting children and teachers back to the business of education as rapidly as possible after a disaster is also good for morale.
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 Recommendations - Schools, colleges and universities