Puerto Rico Earthquakes 2019 - 2020
Meteor 2020-01-17

The meteor of 2020-01-17 is shown above. The nearest known impact site to the north is Wetumpka in Alabama which is 6.6 kilometers in diameter and at 32 degrees north and 86 degrees west. The nearest known impact site to the south is the Riachao Ring (4.5 kilometers) in Brazil at 7 degrees south and 43 degrees west. The area in between currently only has one known crater - Chicxulub. One Chicxulub is more than enough - ask any Cretaceous dinosaur. The odds of Puerto Rico being hit are absurdly small but think of how embarrassing it would be if Arecibo could have spotted the intruder ... The lure of looking for a marine impact crater in the Caribbean is that usually deposits of hydrocarbons and useful metals are found nearby.

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