Prelude #27
Theme: Hexagram:
  C major    Yi "nourishment, swallowing"

Usually practicing with bare feet is pretty tough on the skin on the bottom of your feet. Likewise, wearing just socks tends to wear out socks pretty quickly. So we recommend shoes.
There are two kinds of shoes:
(1) those with black cotton tops and either red plastic shoes or white cloth soles. Both of these are lightweight and inexpensive. They are very easy to put on and take off. They offer almost zero arch support, have no heel padding and have a lifetime of months.
(2) laced shoes have quite a bit more variety. These can be worn in class on a daily basis if the student prefers. Usually the class selects what color of shoes they want to wear at formal exhibitions. The traditional colors are black and white as both look good with cotton semi-formal uniforms (usually black) as well as silk formal uniforms. We have included some of the more colorful alternatives.
If the class chooses to learn and exhibit a Taoist form (typically Wudang Mountain style) or a Shaolin Temple form there are particular shoes associated with these arts shown at the bottom left and bottom right, respectively. Both these styles wear an oversock so usually the shoes have top be a half-size larger than normal.

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