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Discovering GPU resources:

Those working in Windows might use (in - similar in C++ and C#)

Imports System.Management

note that  you may need to add a Project Reference
Dim searcher As New ManagementObjectSearcher("rootCIMV2", "SELECT * FROM Win32_VideoController")

For Each mo As ManagementObject In searcher.Get()
' of interest are mo("AdapterCompatibility"),
'                               mo("AdapterRAM") ,
'                               mo("Description"),
'                               mo("VideoProcessor")
'                      and mo("VideoModeDescription")

'  we have not seen values in mo("MaxNumberControlled")


This provides information like

compatibility=Intel Corporation
Description=Intel(R) G45/G43 Express Chipset
Processor=Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family
mode=1024 x 768 x 4,294,967,296 colors  
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