Unparalleled lines - what happens when you cannot connect the dots
In the complicated world of exanomic models it is common to speak of calculations of multi-national economic strategies that involve dozens of processing cores tackling hundreds of billions of complex equations and moving terabytes of information into and out of databases. If one has internet connectivity, electrical power and money solutions can be achieved in a reasonable amount of time.
If the data has any integrity. To pick a neutral example, we will take a brief glance at Gabon's neighbor Guinea-Bissau.
One might think that with a population of 1.5 million spread over 36,000 square kilometers (the size of Indiana or Maine), no oil exploration in progress and very modest bauxite deposits, the well-being of Guinea-Bissau in western Africa would be of little concern to anyone. Except, of course, inhabitants of Guinea-Bissau. If Guinea-Bissau stopped all export of its major cash crop of cashews there would be zero impact on world markets. It would likely
devastate Guinea-Bissau. Unfortunately, doubling the amount of cashews
exported price would make little effective difference either.
The country has staggering problems:
1. the population of Bissau, the only city, is over 400,000 so an earthquake, presumably with tsunamis, striking there would be a catastrophe. As far as we can determine, there are no other cities with populations over 10,000.
2. Guinea-Bissau claimed 2000 doctors working 11 years ago. No one seriously believed the number then. This would be twice as many per patient as neighboring and wealthier Senegal and Guinea.