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We interrupt the lesson for a brief non-commercial exposition. It is
very unclear [to us, at any rate] why, in the 21st century, ALL children do not have individual plans. In particular, the cutting edge style of plans is to tie lessons with specific test questions. As noted, SABLE detected four annual plans covering 13 subjects. One implication is longer schools days as well as more school with greater emphasis on using the internet to deliver content. A second implication is that
the student and parents need NOT choose between a lecture by a Fields medal winner (the mathematics
equivalent of a Nobel Prize); a lesson by an acclaimed master teacher; or a presentation by the student's
local school instructor. Should it be necessary or desirable, the student can, at a time of his or her
choosing, virtually attend all three. Of course, the student could watch more than once, perhaps joined by a study buddy or a curious parent. For interactive lessons, as we are about to see, the student is free to work at a comfortable pace as opposed to scrambling to keep up with the class and or sitting in total
boredom waiting for others to catch up. For centuries how to store knowledge from lessons has been an economic challenge. Stone carving was slow and expensive, so some civilizations used mud baked into bricks. These do not erase or bounce very well, so European teachers, among others, eventually introduced writing with chalk on slate. In the last century students in many parts of the world have been using piles of sheets of handwritten paper.