4. Click the Backpack philleme (a new form appears with the backpack contents. We have asked the Mozilla folks how a test backpack
folks how a test backpack can be constructed. No answer yet. It is not clear as of December 1, 2011 if the all that will be required is
to access a backpack will be a URL. We would expect most teachers to have a backpack sooner rather than later. Currently, the Update
and Download phillemes can be clicked and will change results BUT are not actually downloading badge data). Click the main menu
5. Click the Badges philleme (a new form appears with the four proposed badge types in a light blue list box to the left. Select (click)
a type and then select (click) one of the badges in the light blue listbox to the right. A new form will show the badge details. Most of
these are from the backpack and not modifiable by a user. The type can be changed. To do so, select (click) a type and click the Update
philleme. Note that the fourth picture from the left at the bottom is the badge itself. It is not clickable at this time. Click the main menu
6. Click the Compare philleme (a new form appears with the comparisons by subject and level for the teacher; choose 2009 or 2010 from
the list on the lower left for the most complete data) Click the main menu philleme 
7. Click the Links philleme (a new form appears with four currently supported link types in the light blue list box.
Select (click) Recommended Reading
A. click the Add philleme - fill in a numeric priority, a URL and some comments and tab off the field. Click the links philleme
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