B. click the newly added link
entry in the grid and click the update philleme. Change any
combination of the URL, comments |
and priority. Tab off the field. Click
the links philleme |
C. click a link entry in the grid
(especially for the one you just added) and click the Delete
philleme |
8. Click the Pending philleme (a new
form appears with the list of future classes to the left. Select
(click) a class. Click the main menu |
philleme |
9. Click the Results philleme. Select (click) a class from the
light blue list box at the lower left. Select (click) a test
from the light blue list |
box at the upper right. Four white text boxes at the upper right
will fill in. Note that currently AP Geology has more data than
History. Select (click) a test and the lower four text boxes
will fill in. In addition, the Prerequisites and Details
phillemes will be enabled |
A. click the Prereqs philleme. A new form with a list of
prerequisites will fill in (0 for History; 2 for Geology). click
the Results philleme |
B. click the Details philleme. A new form with a grid of answers
by student will fill in. Click a data row in the grid (not the
header) to see |
the text for questions (none for History yet; several questions for
Geology). Click the Prior philleme (returns to details). |
C. Click the main menu philleme |