Human Genetics - 2019

For readers who asked for a detailed database design
The SAITO application software operates over HEIKI (兵器 = Japanese for 'weapons')
which is a relational database. For civilians, that means that data is stored on disk
as tables which are made up of rows which are, in turn, made up of columns. So a table
to store information about vendors (in this case, companies that sell DNA sequencing
services) would likely have a row for each vendor and each row would contain
columns containing the name of the vendor, the type of the vendor, the website of
the vendor and so on. Typically, software programs or human users send long strings of
SQL (Structured Query Language) to a database engine (another program) which
interprets the SQL and returns data. From the innermost walls of Lascaux a graphic
entity relationship diagram
This means: (a) genes can have one or more synonyms (b) so can syndromes
(c) genes can belong to one or more syndromes (d) syndromes can have one or more 
genes (e) genes can have one or more mutations or variations (f) people can have one
or more mutations (g) vendors sell one or more panels (h) panels are lists of one or
more genes (i) people get their DNA analyzed by buying one or more panels
For more detailed database design click here
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