For Investors - Locating schools using Wyoming as an example (continued)
If someone with special needs living in Cody (population 9520 in 2010; estimated as 9831 in
2016) wanted to take a Silver Wolf Wushu class there are logistical hurdles. Cody is in the 
northwest (=top left) corner of Wyoming 138 miles by road from the proposed school at Riverton
and 145 miles by road from the proposed school at Sheridan. One solution is to garner enough
parental  support from other families and open a school in Cody. It might be necessary to
get commitments from 60 potential students (figuring 80% will actually maintain a long-term 
enrollment). After finding or building an acceptable structure one then would have to obtain 
a teacher and [eventually] classroom aides. What to do without a teacher or enough students?
1. A student could obtain recordings of a martial arts grandmaster and practice at home. We
would have no clue the student existed.
2. The student could register with Silver Wolf Wushu and get the canonical recordings but never
send in videos of the student to be graded. The student might choose to buy clothing, weapons
and accessories. The student would be invited to attend (but not participate in) formal 
3. The student could register with Silver Wolf Wushu, get the canonical recordings and send in 
videos to be graded. With high enough scores the student would get certificates of proficiency,
could persist in earning a degree, and would be invited to participate in formal exhibitions. The 
Chen Family would like to provide occasional coaching (commentary on the videos) but the
operational details remain to be defined. Depending on how frequently the student sends in
videos, this mode might provide useful statistical anchorpoints for parents and physicians.
4. The student registers with Silver Wolf Wushu and sends in daily recordings. The Chen Family
currently believes that weekly coaching (asynchronous review of the videos) MIGHT  be enough
to exert a positive influence. Note that a student need not bother with trying to follow a live class
taught over the Internet in another timezone and language. A student might be able to access
Tuesday's material taught in English from 10 AM to noon Pacific standard time (UTC - 8) with
Portuguese language audio from Mozambique using Central African Time (no daylight savings,  
so always UTC + 2) Wednesday evening.  
5. SAITO currently calculates an initial need in the United States for 460 schools in 330 cities in  
225 counties in 51 states. World-wide 7800 schools in 240 countries in 1575 provinces or states    
in 4200 cities. Some web pages with selected details have been published in the international  
subsection of the investor's section.  
Note that a remote student could select another curriculum such as Cheng style Bagua Zheng,  
Hebei style Xing Yi Chuan, Yang style Tai Chi Chuan, Hung Gar, Shaolin Temple Wushu ...  
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